Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

On September 11, 2001, 180 people lost their lives when American Airlines Flight 77 was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon. One year and one day after the attack, the 180 victims will be buried together at Arlington National Cemetery.
“There is a funeral service and interment service for all 184 victims who died at the Pentagon September 11 to include the people who were on Flight 77,” said Barbara Owens, spokesperson for Arlington National Cemetery. “There is a special emphasis for the five families who did not receive any remains.”
The 180 victims will be honored in a group burial.
“All 184 families have already had a funeral service or memorial service,” said Owens. “During the course of the past year the forensics professionals found additional remains amongst the wreckage. Some families decided to go ahead and have secondary funeral services and some decided not to do it again.”
The Arlington National Cemetery and the Military District Washington Ceremonies and Public Affairs Office have been at work on the planning of this ceremony for the past six weeks.
“DOD (Department of Defense) family support office has helped prepare the families for the ceremony,” said Owens. “Arlington National Cemetery and MDW are the action officers for the service.
“All the families agreed that with any remaing remains, they would have them cremated and placed in one casket and have a group burial.”
At press time, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield will speak at the ceremony and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Richard Myers will receive the flag.
Over 5,000 family and friends are expected for this ceremony. The ceremony is open to the public.

By Rick