Amy Gilliland, a native of Warriors Mark and 2002 graduate of Tyrone Area High School, pole vaulted to a career best this past weekend in Boulder, Colo.
Gilliland, a senior track athlete at the Air Force Academy, cleared 11’6 and 1/2’’ to win the Potts Invitational in her first outdoor meet of the season. The new personal best places her second on the program’s all-time list behind Ana-Maria Ortega (a 1999 gradutae of the Air Force Academy).
After successfully soaring over 11’6 and 1/2’, Gilliland attempted a new school record (12’1”).
Gilliland stated after the meet, “it was the first time we vaulted outside this year and first meet of the outdoor season. Breaking Ana-Maria Ortega’s record is my new goal, along with possibly quailifying for NCAA Regionals.” Amy will have eight more chances to clear 12-feet during her final outdoor track season.
The Air Force Academy competes in Division I track and field in the Mountain West Conference (MWC). The MWC is arguably the strongest pole vault conference in America with schools from Utah, Wyoming, San Diego State, New Mexico, and Brigham Young competing in the conference.
Recently, the track season shifted from indoor competition, where Amy vaulted 11’4” to the outdoor season.
Gilliland’s coach Capt. Jake Gensic, believes her success should be credited to her hard work and positive attitude. “Amy is an inspiration to her teammates and always gives 110 percent towards all her goals. She cares tremendously about the success of her teammates and is an extremely focused individual,” claims her coach. “Not only does she vault extremely high, but she has a lot of fun doing it in the process.”
Amy is the daughter of John and Karen Gilliland, who reside in Warriors Mark. However pole vaulting is merely something Amy does with her free time. She will graduate the U. S. Air Force Academy in May with a B.S. in Social Science. last semster, she earned a 3.5 GPA!! After graduation, she’ll become a financial management officer at Kessler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss.