Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

The Tyrone and Bellwood-Antis softball teams opened their season on Friday against each other. With both squads overwhelmed by the wind and cold weather, the Lady Eagles, nevertheless, opened the season on a bright note by slamming the B-A Lady Blue Devils 15-2. The two programs begin and end the season with games at Bellwood on Friday and Tyrone on May 15.
Although last season the two backyard rivals were headed in opposite directions, there is hope in both districts for 2006.
Each has to start over. Tyrone must take the field minus a group of five super seniors after losing Hilary McNelis, Heather Stanton, Katie Whitby, Meghan McAllister and Missy Stager. The Lady Eagles do retain a solid group of five returning lettermen however, to start over again in Ashley Ripka, Kim Cherry, Megan Turiano, Stefani Bryan and Ashley Pennabaker, who will make it much easier for the Golden Eagle girls and long-time head coach Lois Loncher, who begins her eighth year at Tyrone.
The Lady Eagles have only a dozen on their roster, so everybody will get lots of time, but Ripka is the only senior, so all the rest will be back in 2007 as well.
Loncher is assisted by MaryAnn Volders and Jim Domenick on the varsity level. Junior high coaches are Danielle Wilson and Julie Harden.
“Our returning players are working well with the younger inexperienced players,” explained Loncher. “Everyone has been working hard to improve their skills and learn their positions.
“We did some nice things in our scrimmage at Indiana, particularly on defense. I really like the way the girls are getting along, the seniors and juniors are working well with the freshmen and sophomores. We did the buddy system to help the transition of the younger players and it is working well.”
Returning starters include, along with class and position: Ashley Ripka (sr) ss, Stefani Bryan (jr) p/3b, Kim Cherry (jr) c, Ashley Pennabaker (jr) cf, and Megan Turiano (jr) 3b/p.
Other returnees from last year’s 9-11 squad (4-8 in the Mountain League, Division II) include: Casie Glashauser (jr) 2b/of, Shannon Shultz (jr) of, Lindsay Christine (so) 1b/3b, Brooke Garbinsky (so) 2b and Ashley Shultz (so) of.
Teanna Kobuck (fr) of/1b, and Laura Thompson (fr) p, who pitched the opening-game win against Bellwood-Antis, are newcomers.
“We are a young team with experienced and inexperienced players,” said Loncher. “How well we jell with each other will be important. To this point, I have no complaints. The kids have done what they need to do to the best of their abilities. We are in a tough and competitive section of the MAC conference, but they will scrap and fight. It is hard to judge wins and loses but I do think we will be competitive.”
The probable starting lineup for the Lady Eagles for the opening game and early part of the season includes: Ashley Ripka leading off and playing short, Ashley Pennabaker in center, Kim Cherry, who slugged a triple and two doubles against Bellwood-Antis hitting third and catching, Megan Turiano at third, batting fourth, Teanna Kobuck at first base, Ashley Shultz in left, either Shannon Shultz or Casie Glashauser in right, Laura Thompson or Stefani Bryan on the mound and Brooke Garbinsky at second.
Bellwood-Antis in 2006, will be the epitome of youth. Look in the dictionary under young and no doubt you could find a photo of the Lady Blue Devils, who have six ninth graders on the team, and who start five freshman, two sophomores and a junior. The Bellwood-Antis girls will have to learn quickly on the run against some of the toughest teams in the district.
Head coach Alex Sitman with assistants Jim Kovac, Lori Woods, Ali Stodart, Chasey Romani, Melissa Sitman and Bekah Forney looked more competitive in their opener against Tyrone, despite the big loss, with lots of promise and lots of work to be done, than most of last year, when walks and errors spelled doom during a 1-19 season for the Lady Blue Devils in the MAC Division III.
Returning letter winners for the Lady Blue Devils include: Christine Pfahler (sr) 1b/ss, Danielle Riley (sr) 3b/of, Pam Weyant, (jr) cf, and Courtney Hamer, (so) p/of/2b.
Other returnees include, Nikki Heuston (so) 1b, and Nikki Burns (jr) of.
Newcomers include Dolly Patel (jr) of, Leah Snyder (so) of, Mary Johnson (so) of/2b, and the super freshmen class of Tamara Askey c/1b, Tory Baldauf, ss/3b, Jenna Brown, 3b/p, Emily Derr, p/ss/2b, Kendra McCracken, 1b/of, and Ashley Putt, of/2b.
“The girls are hard working and Christina and Dani, our only two seniors are providing great leadership,” stressed Sitman, “They are excited to play, there is a strong desire to compete. We just need a couple games to work out the things we can correct. Ali Stodart, who was an outstanding pitcher at Moshannon Valley, is doing a great job with our pitchers. We will be much better prepared on the mound this season.
“This team seems to have great chemistry, although we will go through lots of downs this year lacking much experience, with all those freshmen and sophomores, but we look to be more competitive this year. Once we get into the season with some games under our belt, we should be fine.”
The probably starting lineup for the Lady Blue Devils should include: Pam Weyant, who is the only Tyrone or Bellwood-Antis 2005 MAC All-Star to return this season, after making the MAC Division II First Team last year, will lead off and play center, Tory Baldauf will play short, Ashley Putt will be the designated hitter, Christina Pfahler will bat clean up and play first, Tamara Askey will catch, Emily Derr will pitch, Dani Riley will play left, Jenna Brown will bat eighth and play third, Leah Snyder will be in right and Courtney Hamer, will be the flex player playing the field only, at second base.

By Rick